Covid hit all of us like a ton of bricks. I and many of the BTF dancers around the world have spent the better half of a decade travelling the world like a family. United in a way that no one besides us could ever understand and/or comprehend. We not only had danced on stage together 6 days a week some times twice a day but we’d shared and lived life experiences together like we would with our closest family members. We as a group of artists had an unbreakable bond.

When COVID19 forced everything to come to a sudden halt it was a shock to us all to say the least. But beyond the dance, beyond the music, and beyond performing, the thing that each and every person from BTF missed most was the connection with each other and how that connection was based on our love of our craft being dance/ music and the happiness that those things combined bought us... and the funny thing was we didn’t realise how important these things were until we were forced to not have them.
As COVID19 spread across the world and the realisation of what we were dealing with took its toll, we as BTF dancers were craving our craft and each other’s company - so in light of that we decided to jump onto this crazy concept and platform called ‘zoom’ and use it in our way..... use it to laugh, cry, learn, motivate and just share our love of dance and each other. At first these were open to all involved with Burn The Floor internally - dancers, singers, musicians, crew, management, admin staff and even extended family members... each week these zoom dance and catch-ups grew and during the global lockdown it was the only thing that made us feel at home and connected!
It was through these weird, but wonderful online sessions that we realised Burn The Floor’s heartbeat will not stop because we couldn’t be on stage... but rather we can allow it to get bigger by inviting people to share in it! We soon realised we as a dance family now have the potential to break down that audience wall and spread the love we share as a dance family and share it with the world - our fans, dance lovers or people out there craving a connection. It was then we realised that we can share the BTF philosophy and family love with anyone and everyone.... and so Burn Nation was born! A global online nation that is led with passion, heart and love! A dance platform that put’s heart and soul and love into everything - with the aim to connect with each other and all while making our hearts smile with dance!
Our Fabulous Instructors
Burn Nation is a platform that allows you to be the best version of you in the most simplest, convenient and rewarding way.